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Case Study zweifel metall ag
Amriswil, Switzerland

zweifel metall ag

Bye, bye, Excel !

Key Features

  • Replacement of Excel spreadsheets
  • Automatic processing and analysis of STEP files
  • Fast and reliable processing of large data volumes


For years, zweifel metall ag prepared quotes using Excel calculations, which became increasingly complex. Due to personnel changes, these could no longer be developed further. The existing calculation solution from a machinery manufacturer could not process all quotes due to the very high initial effort and the requirement that items and laser geometries must already be entered into the system.


During the evaluation of a new calculation solution, it became clear that steel it met all the requirements outlined in the specifications and even offered additional functionalities. steel it proved to be a professional solution with a practical design and easy handling. In close collaboration with zweifel metall ag, steel it was tailored to meet their needs. With testing and parallel operation, it took only 12 months to integrate steel it into the workflow of zweifel metall ag – and to bid farewell to Excel spreadsheets.

Experience After One Year of Use

«We have achieved enormous time savings: not only in the actual calculation of quotes but also through more efficient handling of data and quotes. Despite massive data volumes, steel it runs reliably and quickly.

The ability to consolidate the most common work steps is a game-changer. We are already 30 to 50 percent faster. With the 3D-Analyzer, which we are currently optimizing with figureit for our needs, we expect to halve the required time even further. At the same time, quotes are becoming more reliable, accurate, and traceable,» says Managing Director Andreas Zweifel about the sustainable impact of steel it on daily operations.


«One could say they have no limits! They always have an open ear, take our inputs and implement them. I fully support figureit and their software,» confirms Managing Director Andreas Zweifel.
Andreas Zweifel Geschäftsführer zweifel metall ag > Next Case Study  The Workflow-Revolution Case Studies Pricing Consultation Media echo   Bahnhofstrasse 4 9100 Herisau, Switzerland  +41 71 571 51 30   © 2024 figure it ag  |  website by schmizz communicate 360° | Privacy Policy  |  Imprint  |

«We are already 30–50% faster. We expect the further development of the 3D-Analyzer to halve the required time once again.»

Andreas Zweifel
zweifel metall ag